The Minister of Economy, Radu Oprea, on Tuesday said that peace „begins with the fight against violence,” and the only fight that „can be acceptable” in society is the fight against domestic violence.
„I don’t think and I don’t want to hear it again that it is correct to say – we encourage the participation of women. This thing must come naturally, it must come through good laws, through gender equality that is profound at the level of society. I was talking about peace, and peace begins with the fight against violence, and I think it’s the only fight that we can accept in society, the fight against domestic violence. It could be the first step where we can then take very big steps, because if we accept, as a society, such violence then it means that any type of violence can be allowed, including the violence we see today in Ukraine or in the Gulf area. And then, what happens at the micro level, within the family, within interpersonal relationships, it transfers to big politics. At the same time, big politics must be transmitted to society through good laws,” said Oprea at the Conference of National Focal Points in the field of „Women, Peace and Security, organized by the Ministry of National Defence in partnership with the US State Department and UN Women.
He mentioned that as Minister of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism, he has several analyzes that show that the performance of female entrepreneurs is many times higher.
„If we look at the debut in entrepreneurship, within the Start-Up Nation programme, at the female entrepreneurs, most precisely, we can see that today over 90% of the companies that were founded 5 years ago still exist in Romania, giving back to the economy, while we can also see that half of the managers, of the entrepreneurs, are women. And I think this is the secret why we managed to break all records in terms of the resilience of these companies, after 5 years, in the international context, with this programme,” said Oprea.